Dr. Colleen Mavis Redit was only 14 when she became deeply aware of God’s call on her life. She felt her heart being stirred to serve in India. As she waited for God to bring her desire to fruition, Colleen completed her training as a kindergarten teacher and attended a seminary at Auckland, New Zealand.
Her first position in India was as a warden at a girls’ hostel, a capacity in which she served for nearly five years. During this time, Colleen discovered that she had a heart for the women and girls of India. Thanks to the years she had spent studying Tamil, Colleen was able to communicate effectively and form deep meaningful relationships with several of them.
She was especially disturbed by the fact that girls were regarded as a burden on the family and often failed to receive the same opportunities as boys. Theyseemed to live life without anyvision—merely waiting on the side-lines for their marriage. How could they ever discover their potential if they did not receive opportunities? Colleen felt that God was calling her to remedy the situation.
She began the Haven of Hope Handicraft center to help women fend for themselves and lead a life of dignity and hope. This was followed by the girls’ hostel which allowed young girls from vulnerable situations to attend schools safely.
Guided by her motto, “Where there is no vision, the people perish,” Dr. Colleen seeks to empower ordinary people by giving them a vision for their future and placing before them the resources required to accomplish it.